Bus Safety Information

At the Bus Stop

  • Get up and get ready on time.  Arrive at the bus stop five minutes before the bus is scheduled to come.

  • Wait at the bus stop in a safe place, 12 feet away from the road.

  • Wait in an orderly group.  Form an orderly line as the bus approaches, with the first student in line standing 12 feet away from traffic.

  • Return home and get help or phone for assistance if you miss the bus. 

    • NEVER chase after the bus.

    • NEVER wear headphones/ear buds or hoodies while loading or unloading the bus. The driver needs to be able to make eye contact and communicate. 

    • NEVER walk to another bus stop.

    • NEVER allow your parents to drive you to another bus stop. Your bus driver will not be expecting you.

Loading on the Roadway

  • If you DO have to cross the road to GET ON the bus:

    • Wait 12 feet off the road and wait for the bus to stop and for the driver’s signal for when it is safe to cross from where you are standing.

    • Look for moving cars as you walk to the edge of the road.

    • Stop at the edge of the road and look both ways to be sure that any moving cars come to a stop.

    • Look both ways for moving cars while walking straight across the road.

    • Cross 12 feet in front of the bus.

  • Make sure you can see the bus driver, so they can see you. 

  • Stay away from the front and rear bus tires.

While on the Bus

  • Stay seated facing forward.

  • Stay in your assigned seat the entire route. This is a safety procedure to insure we can properly trace direct contact in the event of a positive COVID-19 case on a bus. 

  • No food or drinks on the bus. 

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