July 26, 2024 - Gordon County Schools students showed continued improvement on the 2023-2024 Georgia Milestones assessments with many scores above state average.
The Georgia Department of Education released a press statement today explaining that Georgia student scores increased or held steady on 10 of 13 assessments in English language arts, science, and social studies. Math assessment scores are not yet available due to new K-12 Mathematics Standards aligned and first implemented this school year, but math Georgia Milestones scores will be available for release later this fall.
Gordon County Schools student scores were above the state average in percentage of students combined who scored Developing, Proficient, and Distinguished Learner in Milestones scores for Grades 4-8 English Language Arts, 5th and 8th Grade Science, 8th Grade Social Studies, and 11th Grade End of Course American Literature. Additionally, Gordon County Schools saw a 2% increase in EOC Biology and an 8% increase in EOC U.S. History scores for Proficient and Distinguished Learners.
"Congratulations to our school system for its growth and achievement. This success is a testament to the hard work, dedication and commitment of our students, teachers, and staff. Together, we continue to strive for excellence. Gordon County Schools is committed to student success. " Superintendent Alice Mashburn said.
Mrs. Mashburn and the Board of Education look forward to celebrating each individual school's achievements later this year.
To read more about the Georgia Milestones press release and State School Superintendent Richards Wood, please click the hyperlink below.