Gordon County Schools is celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week May 6th through May 10th! We are so thankful for the difference-makers we have in our classrooms who help shape children's lives.
10 months ago, Gordon County Schools
Teacher Appreciation Week
Check out all the amazing summer camps going on at Gordon County Schools! Visit https://www.gcbe.org/page/virtual-community-bulletin-board for flyers and registration information.
10 months ago, Gordon County Schools
GCS 2024 Summer Camps
Today's At-Home Learning Day was a great day for Gordon County Schools teachers, staff, and administrators to participate in many professional development learning sessions. Administrators and teacher leaders attended training from Edmentum today to learn new ways to improve individualized instruction for students.
10 months ago, Gordon County Schools
Professional Development
The Gordon County College and Career Academy of Design and Advanced Manufacturing hosted its annual CTAE Advisory Committee Luncheon. Here, our pathway advisors discussed how to improve partnerships and connections between students with our local businesses and industry. GCCCA Principal Leah Newsom hosted the event and helped our community partners share their voice and input for our pathway programs next school year. Congratulations to the students who were recognized during the luncheon for their success at state competition: Red Bud Middle School FBLA and FFA, Gordon Central High School FFA and SkillsUSA, and Sonoraville High School FCCLA and FFA.
10 months ago, Gordon County Schools
Friday, May 3rd is an At Home Learning Day.
10 months ago, Gordon County Schools
At Home Learning Day
Congratulations to Sonoraville senior Kylie Hurd for receiving a $1,000 scholarships from the Better Business Burearu of Southeast TN/Northwest GA for the Students of Integrity Scholarship. She was one of ten recipients for this scholarship, selected from a pool of over a thousand applicants. Kylie owns and operates her own business, KH Cattle, and she used her experiences to write an essay about the importance of ethics and integrity in business. She has been in Sonoraville High's Work-Based Learning program for the last two years, building her business while gaining valuable work experience and course credits. Accompanying Kylie to the scholarship luncheon banquet in Chattanooga was her Work-Based Learning Coordinator, Dr. Andrea Walraven. Kylie is a leader in the Phoenix FFA program and Georgia FFA; she just recently was awarded the FFA State Star in Agriscience for KH Cattle alongside a state championship. We look forward to seeing Kylie's success at Nationals.
10 months ago, Gordon County Schools
Kylie Hurd Wins Scholarship
Belwood Elementary recently held a Volunteer Appreciation luncheon for the many people who help serve the students and community of BES. These volunteers included community members who participated this year as Lunch Buddies, were members of the School Governance Team, helped with GET Reading, served meals for staff, provided monetary donations, acted as student mentors, and donated essentials for students. Thank you to all community members of Belwood Elementary! It certainly takes a village, and everyone coming together in collaboration to help students and the school makes a difference!
10 months ago, Gordon County Schools
BES Celebrates Volunteers
Please check out our menus for the month of May!
10 months ago, School Nutrition
Elementary breakfast menu for May
Elementary lunch menus for May
Middle school breakfast menus for May
Middle school lunch menus for May
High school breakfast menus for May
High school lunch menus for May
Gordon Central High School's Teaching as a Profession teacher, Mrs. Kodi Albright, visited Belwood Elementary's PAL program with her students in Mrs. Jessica Childers' classroom today. Mrs. Albright's students prepared lessons to work with the 3-4 year old students on counting, number identification, and many other activities. These students have worked on created number cards, thematic counting books, sensory bags to practice number-writing, and lesson plans connecting these activities with standards and best teaching practices. Students will return later in the week to work on reading activities with their little partners! Thank you to the Calhoun-Gordon County Retired Educators Association for their donation to allow these day trips for Gordon Central students, and Mrs. Albright is very appreciative of Mrs. Childers and Belwood Elementary for allowing her students to have such a great learning opportunity.
10 months ago, Gordon County Schools
Gordon Central junior Briley Stuart with her new PAL friend.
Congratulations to Sydney Shipley for winning Gordon County Schools District Teacher of the Year!
10 months ago, Gordon County Schools
2025 District Teacher of the Year
Congratulations again to our District Teacher of the Year Finalists. We look forward to announcing the District TOTY Monday, April 22nd during the Teacher of the Year reception.
10 months ago, Gordon County Schools
GCS TOTY District Finalists
The Gordon County College and Career Academy is hosting its STEAM EDVENTURE Summer Camp May 28-31 for current 5th through 8th grade students. Students will enjoy a variety of activities in science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics. Register now by using the QR Code or following this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf0d3qbv1eWzu9_nIJKzXOtnPNAwl0ZegPH3_fy90xSNvAMuw/viewform
10 months ago, Gordon County Schools
Gordon County Schools would like to wish everyone a fantastic and safe Spring Break! Whether you're traveling, spending time with loved ones, or simply relaxing at home, enjoy the time and make the most of it. We look forward to seeing you all again on April 15th to finish the school year strong!
11 months ago, Gordon County Schools
Spring Break 2024
Several state champions were recognized at April's Gordon County Schools Board of Education meeting. Sonoraville High School’s FCCLA students Mckenna Boswell, Hannah Jones, and Isabella Segursky were recognized with their advisor, Mrs. Lori Holland, for winning the state championship in Job Interview and Professional Presentation. Mckenna, Hannah, and Isabella will compete nationally later this school year in Seattle, and we wish them the very best of luck. for Gordon Central High School’s State Literary team member Brianna Weller and her coach, Dr. Kim Watters, were recognized for winning the 2AA state championship in Girls Solo singing. Literary competition includes public speaking, acting, and singing. Brianna and the GC team tied for 1st at region as well. Congratulations to these talented, gifted students and their amazing teachers!
11 months ago, Gordon County Schools
April 2024 Board Recognition
April 2024 Board Recognition
Gordon County Schools celebrated Gifted Education Month by showcasing some of our gifted educators across the district. Check out our social media pages for pictures of these awesome teachers!
11 months ago, Gordon County Schools
Gifted Education Month
Celebrate Ag Week in Georgia March 18th through the 24th with many fun activities found on the Georgia Department of Education's Ag Week website at http://georgiaagweek.com/
11 months ago, Gordon County Schools
Ag Week
Gordon County Schools is celebrating another School Nutrition milestone today as the Georgia Department of Education School Nutrition Division has awarded GCS Nutrition with the United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service’s Turnip the Beet Award for 2023! The Turnip the Beet Award recognizes outstanding summer meal program school food authorities and sponsors across the nation who work hard to offer high quality meals to children that are appetizing, appealing, and nutritious during the summer months. Thank you to School Nutrition Director Mrs. Nicole Head and our cafeteria staff members who worked so hard over the summer to feed and take care of our community with healthy, delicious meal options for families.
11 months ago, Gordon County Schools
GCS Nutrition Golden Beet Recipient
Congratulations to Red Bud Middle Schools for their cafeteria breakfast being named Georgia Tray of the Week during National School Breakfast Week!
11 months ago, Gordon County Schools
RBMS Named Georgia Tray of the Week
Congratulations again to each of our Teacher of the Year recipients! These teachers were nominated and voted by their peers as exemplary educators who go above and beyond in everything they do. Their dedication, care, and support of students is evident daily, and their teacher leadership helps to support and grow those around them. The 10 teachers will go on to the next round of evaluation for Gordon County Schools to select its District Finalists for GCS Teacher of the Year. The winner of District TOTY will then compete at the state level.
11 months ago, Gordon County Schools
2024 TOTY
Gordon County Schools is on an early release schedule Wednesday, March 13th and Thursday, March 14th for Parent Conferences. We hope families were able to schedule time to meet with teachers to discuss your child's progress this year. If not, you are encouraged to stay in contact with your school and connect with teachers to find time to discuss academic achievement and future goals. Friday, March 15th is an At-Home Learning Day. We hope that your child or children are able to explore learning opportunities that day and catch up on assignments, projects, and materials as we approach End-of-Course and End-of-Grade Milestones testing.
11 months ago, Gordon County Schools