Gordon County Schools would like to thank Shaw Industries for their 2024 Shaw Community Grant of $2,500 toward our Helping Hands Ending Hunger initiative. We appreciate support from our community partners and will utilize the grant to help feed families across our district.
Gordon County Schools has partnered with Helping Hands Ending Hunger to provide Gordon County families and students with nutritious food outside of the regular school day. In addition to providing breakfast and lunch at no cost to families in 2024-2025, 8 of our Gordon County Schools are helping those in need of meal choices at home through the Helping Hands Initiative.
Gordon County Schools is covering what costs it can, but we cannot do this alone. We are asking our community at large to come together and help change lives with nutritious meal opportunities for families in need of assistance.
If you would like to contribute, please visit https://www.gcbe.org/o/gcs/page/helping-hands for more information about Helping Hands Ending Hunger and our goal to help feed Gordon County families.

Reminder: Summer enrollment is open for Gordon County Schools now through July 11th.
If you plan to enroll your child at Ashworth Middle, Belwood Elementary, Gordon Central High, Swain Elementary, or Tolbert Elementary, please visit the front office at Ashworth Middle School to enroll (333 Newtown Rd NE, Calhoun, GA 30701).
If you plan to enroll your child at Fairmount Elementary, Red Bud Elementary, Red Bud Middle, Sonoraville Elementary, or Sonoraville High, please visit the front office at Sonoraville High School to enroll (7340 Fairmount Hwy SE, Calhoun, GA 30701).
Office hours for enrollment are Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Registration is closed July 4th. After July 11th, families will need to submit paperwork at the school where they would like to enroll their child.
Visit https://www.gcbe.org/page/student-enrollment to access, print, and fill out the registration packet in its entirety prior to arriving. Packets are available at each location if you are unable to pre-register.

Happy July 1st, Gordon County Schools families! We hope everyone has had a great summer so far. If you're like us and already thinking about the first day of school (August 6th), then now's a great time to check out our school supplies hub!
Visit https://www.gcbe.org/page/supplies to see what your child may need at each of our elementary, middle, and high schools. You can view each school's document list or view a grade level from the drop-down menu.

ALL Gordon County Summer Feeding Sites will be CLOSED Wednesday, July 3rd through Friday, July 5th in observance of July 4th. Sites will be open and operational Monday, July 1st and Tuesday, July 2nd and are providing meals for those days.

Check out the Gordon County Schools Open House dates and times:
Elementary Schools: Thursday, August 1st
Pre-K at 8:30 AM, Kindergarten through 5th grade from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Middle Schools: Friday, August 2nd
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
High Schools: Monday, August 5th
Freshmen Orientation from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Gordon County Schools Summer Enrollment Information:
Please review the flyer to know where to go for summer enrollment at Gordon County Schools. Enrollment opens June 18th and ends July 11th. Visit the feeder school's registration location Monday through Thursday from 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM.
Prior to arriving, please visit https://gordoncountyschoolsga.sites.thrillshare.com/page/student-enrollment to access, print, and fill out the registration packet in its entirety. Packets are available at each location if you are unable to pre-register.

Administrators and teacher leaders from Belwood Elementary, Ashworth Middle School, and Sonoraville High School attended the GaLEADS Conference in Macon, Georgia, with Human Resources Director Allen Bowen. GaLEADS is the new teacher evaluation system that is currently being piloted by these three Gordon schools.

The 2024 Gordon County Schools Summer Feeding Program starts June 3rd through July 18th! This program serves our community by providing no-cost, healthy meals and snacks to children ages 0-18. Food will be offered Monday through Thursday each week. Here is an update to how Friday, Saturday, and Sunday meals will be provided:
Monday: Meal for Monday
Tuesday: Meals for Tuesday and Friday
Wednesday: Meals for Wednesday and Saturday
Thursday: Meals for Thursday and Sunday
Please note that all sites will be closed July 4th and 5th. Food pickup locations are at Tolbert Elementary and Sonoraville High School from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Gordon County Schools will also have vans and buses delivering meals to our Mobile Locations marked with yard signs that read, "This is a Gordon County Summer Feeding Site." Listen for the honking horns as notification of arrival and please be patient as times will vary by each location.
After the first week, we will announce more exact times for the Mobile Locations as our feeding staff workers learn and finalize their routes. Check out the flyer for more information!
The Gordon County Schools Nutrition Department, partnered with our Transportation Department, looks forward to serving families with nutritious meal options at no cost during the summer months.

Be sure to check out the Gordon County College & Career Academy's STEAM Camp from May 28-31. It runs from 8 a.m. to noon each day and includes breakfast and lunch for current 5th - 8th graders. Register today!

Congratulations to the C.H.A.M.P.S. 5th grade graduates at Fairmount Elementary! The C.H.A.M.P.S. (Choosing Healthy Activities and Methods Promoting Safety) program in Gordon County Schools is a partnership between the Gordon County Sheriff's Department and our elementary schools, serving to help empower our youth with valuable life skills and knowledge to make informed choices and contribute positively to their communities. Lieutenant Brian Brannon congratulated these 5th graders who participated in the program. Thank you Lt. Brannon and the GCSD for educating and empowering our students and community through our law enforcement partnerships.

The 2024 Gordon County Schools Summer Feeding Program starts June 3rd through July 18th! This program serves our community by providing no-cost, healthy meals and snacks to children ages 0-18. Food will be offered Monday through Thursday each week, and Thursdays will include Friday, Saturday, and Sunday meals. Please note that all sites will be closed July 4th and 5th.
Food pickup locations are at Tolbert Elementary and Sonoraville High School from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Gordon County Schools will also have vans and buses delivering meals to our Mobile Locations marked with yard signs that read, "This is a Gordon County Summer Feeding Site." Listen for the honking horns as notification of arrival and please be patient as times will vary by each location. After the first week, we will announce more exact times for the Mobile Locations as our feeding staff workers learn and finalize their routes.
Check out the flyer for more information! The Gordon County Schools Nutrition Department, partnered with our Transportation Department, looks forward to serving families with nutritious meal options at no cost during the summer months.

Summer school registration is now open for Gordon County Schools high school students in need of credit recovery. Summer school dates are June 10-13, June 17-20, and June 24-27. There is no fee associated with summer school; breakfast and lunch are provided.
Students must attend each day and can earn ONE recovery credit from these offered courses: 9th Grade Literature, 10th Grade Literature, World History, Geometry, Advanced Algebra, Physics, and Environmental Science.
The registration deadline is May 31st. Don't miss out on credit recovery to stay on track to graduate! To register, please follow the QR code or access the registration form here: https://forms.gle/RxLrJmb9vk8Udxu68
For more information, please contact your child's high school:
Gordon Central High School: 706-629-7391
Sonoraville High School: 706-602-0320

The Gordon County Schools May Board of Education meeting was last night and included many student recognitions for achievements at the state level.
Sonoraville High School's FFA program showcased several state champions under leadership of advisor Mr. Joshua Boydston. Included were Emma Bennett, state champion in Food Products and Processing; Ross White, state champion in Power, Structural, and Technical Systems; Ember Hannigan & Taylor Short, partner state champions in Food Products and Processing; and Kylie Hurd, state winner in Agriscience Proficiency and the Agriscience FFA Star Achievement. Makena Blalock was recognized for achieving the position of Georgia FFA State Secretary, where she will be one of the key state officers leading the state FFA program in 2024-2025.
Red Bud Middle School's FFA program also showcased a state champion under leadership of advisor Mrs. Annemarie Carr. Matthew Manning is the state champion in Agriculture Sales/Marking/Services. As a 7th grader, Matthew will have the opportunity to go for another state championship next year.
These FFA students will compete at the national level.
Our last recognition of the night was Gordon Central High School junior Lynsey Edge for being the state 11th grade champion in the Young Georgia Authors writing competition. Lynsey was a region winner last year as well. She won at the state level with her poem titled, "Roadkill," for its imagery and symbolism.
Congratulations to all students for their state achievements! These students THRIVE in Gordon County Schools.

Gordon County Schools is proud to announce the teachers who are returning home to their school system as former graduates and alumni of our school system! These new hires were announced at the May 13th Board of Education meeting, and we are excited to celebrate their journey home to inspire and educate others.
Haley Crider is a Sonoraville High School alum beginning her teaching career at Fairmount Elementary.
Barry Hall is a Gordon Central High School alum returning to teach and coach at Sonoraville High.
Krista Hall is a Gordon Central High School alum returning to teach at Red Bud Middle School.
Kaitlin Hartel is a Sonoraville High School alum beginning her teaching career at Tolbert Elementary.
Kenidy Vincent is a Sonoraville High School alum teaching and coaching next year at Gordon Central High School.
Hannah Key is a Sonoraville High School alum teaching next year at Ashworth Middle School.
William Walraven is a Sonoraville High School alum returning to his alma mater to teach and coach at Sonoraville High.
Let’s give a warm returning welcome to these former graduates as they embark on a new chapter of their journey with us. Together, we’ll continue to cultivate a community of learning, growth, and endless possibilities!

Congratulations to the C.H.A.M.P.S. 5th grade graduates at Belwood Elementary! The C.H.A.M.P.S. (Choosing Healthy Activities and Methods Promoting Safety) program in Gordon County Schools is a partnership between the Gordon County Sheriff's Department and our elementary schools, serving to help empower our youth with valuable life skills and knowledge to make informed choices and contribute positively to their communities. Lieutenant Brian Brannon congratulated these 5th graders who participated in the program. Thank you Lt. Brannon, Maj. Harris and the GCSD for educating and empowering our students and community through our law enforcement partnerships.

Congratulations to the C.H.A.M.P.S. 5th grade graduates at Tolbert Elementary! The C.H.A.M.P.S. (Choosing Healthy Activities and Methods Promoting Safety) program in Gordon County Schools is a partnership between the Gordon County Sheriff's Department and our elementary schools, serving to help empower our youth with valuable life skills and knowledge to make informed choices and contribute positively to their communities. Lieutenant Brian Brannon congratulated these 5th graders who participated in the program. Thank you Lt. Brannon and the GCSD for educating and empowering our students and community through our law enforcement partnerships.

Summer Feeding 2024 will start on Monday, June 3rd! Watch this space -- a detailed list of sites will be coming soon. We can't wait to see you this summer!

Congratulations to the C.H.A.M.P.S. 5th grade graduates at Sonoraville Elementary!
The C.H.A.M.P.S. (Choosing Healthy Activities and Methods Promoting Safety) program in Gordon County Schools is a partnership between the Gordon County Sheriff's Department and our elementary schools, serving to help empower our youth with valuable life skills and knowledge to make informed choices and contribute positively to their communities.
Lieutenant Brian Brannon congratulated these 5th graders who participated in the program. Thank you Lt. Brannon and the GCSD for educating and empowering our students and community through our law enforcement partnerships.

Teachers at Gordon Central were provided tours of the construction addition and provided breakfast by Parrish Construction during Teacher Appreciation Week.

Thank you to the school nurses who take care of our students each and every day. You truly make a difference each and every day, and Gordon County Schools appreciates you! Celebrate National Nurses Week across the nation from May 6th through May 12th.